“How do you define a person who continually changes your life for the better? Perhaps these two words may come close: Remarkably brilliant! Although I have known Jean for many years, and whether it was by divine providence or by destiny we came together, of this I am absolutely certain: getting involved with Jean falls into the hand-full of experiences I would classify as the best things to happen in my life. Through both my healing sessions with Jean, and my privilege to work with Jean, I not only have come to know myself, I have come to embrace my own healing abilities – and in doing so found a peace within I never thought possible. I have experienced many wonderful transformations, far too many to list; but to say that I have witnessed Jean’s talents eliminate peoples distressing patterns, and watch as they transform their experiences into new life affirmations is a must mention. To witness someone, turn an ominous belief into a benevolent life style, eliminate years of suffering, or simply feel peace and comfort in her presence, these are the measure of Jeans talents. Jean is an extraordinary individual, being the ever consummate professional and an unassailable confidant, bringing not only beautiful intuition and deep compassion to her sessions and classes but also true equanimity, authentic presence and joyful warmth to the healing process. Unlike no other practitioner I’ve met, and believe me I’ve met many, Jean can hold a space of such unconditional acceptance and intrinsic wholeness such that healing occurs at the deepest of levels for her clients. If you have found these words then take comfort in knowing you are in good hands and if you choose to have sessions or take classes, then, it will, quite simply, be an experience of a lifetime and a journey like no other!” – Henry G. Noel, LAc, Qigong Master, Reiki Master, Shaman

“I have worked in the field of healing for over 20 years and have been blessed to have been worked on and trained by amazing healers from around the world. I had worked on a particular issue for 10 years with little success. Healer after healer couldn’t seem to make a dent at it… until I met Jean… this energetic/ psychic problem was addressed in one session. I am so grateful for her and my life has just gotten better and better since. Jean is such a gifted Shaman. You can feel how she brings forth lifetimes of knowledge and experience to her work and teachings. When I can’t seem to help someone with an issue, I send them to Jean confidently knowing she can help them. As a Shamanic teacher, Jean shares her knowledge in such a way that honors your unique talents and intuition, actually helping to call forth your gift- this is incredibly refreshing to experience. I haven’t known Jean for long but the more I discover about her the more she amazes me. I highly recommend Jean for Shamanic healing and teaching.” – Janice Noehulani, Love & Life Coach, Healer
“I have known Jean for many years as a friend but more importantly as a teacher and healer. Personally, she has changed my life through her teachings in Shaman classes and healing. Her classes are taught in such a way that one can grasp concepts and assist one to get in tune with themselves and Spirit. She incorporates many modalities to facilitate one’s understanding of Shaman medicine and history and she makes sure that everything is understood. As a healer, I can attest to her making a difference in so many lives, not just mine. She is a gentle soul but can deal with any situation that arises in healing treatments, a force to be reckoned with. She is a visionary with extraordinary abilities to get to the problem. Our meeting in this lifetime has been a life changer and I thank Spirit for our meeting again.” – RMN

“Jean Dominguez is much like you and me. She laughs, she cries, she loves. She wears many hats: mother, friend, neighbor, daughter, grandmother. She has responsibilities. She feels gratitude for her life including those occasional moments of disappointment or overwhelm. What makes her extraordinary is her interconnectedness with spirit. Jean is acutely aware of the divinity within each person, creature, and thing which she openly respects and appreciates. When it comes to people, she is also aware of when they have forgotten their own divinity. It is through her gifts of love, compassion and healing that so many have remembered. I have seen Jean work and I have been a recipient of her beautiful gifts of teaching and healing. She delights in doing the work of Spirit. Jean offers her gifts with sweetness, passion and fervor. Her absolute joy in what she does is palpable. She is indeed a gift to all those whose paths cross hers simply by being who she is every day.” – JM
“Jean came into my life at a time when I was completely lost. I no longer knew who I was or where I was going and had completely lost track of my spiritual life. With Jean’s unconditional love, non-judgment, and spiritual guidance I have changed in ways I didn’t think were possible to achieve in this life time let alone 14 months. Jean lives her life in the ways of spirit and because she truly walks the walk and talks the talk, she inspires and touches everyone she meets. Jean has touched my life and has helped me shine with love light and energy.”– D. Horne
“Jean has helped me so much – at each session – and over time. I see progress with challenges that were holding me back at our first session 9 months ago, and that seems like a long time ago. I am making different choices now and my life is moving forward in new and better ways. When I work with Jean, I always enjoy our time together, feel supported, and feel better.” – MR
“My life was a wreck. After years of therapy, spiritual healings, psychology, meditation practices and utilizing many different techniques and approaches to healing, I was back in a place that was all too familiar. I didn’t know what or how to change the path of devastation that my life path was heading. As Grace would have it, through an intricate path of introduction, I found Ms. Jean on a website listed as a Shaman. I knew nothing of Shamanism. I read that Shamans could help assist in breaking “karmic” patterns. I was sure I was in a “karmic repeat” of a pattern that I have lived many times in this lifetime. Even though I thought I knew what “karma” was, I found out over time from working and studying with Jean, that I didn’t have a clue. In an attempt to get my life back in order I ask Ms. Jean to work with me. She did. My life is changed and healed. Decades, lifetimes of energy that was stuck and unhealed in my body and energetic system began unraveling and with her guidance and love and time, I was able to release the old patterns. As a result of the work and study I did with Ms. Jean, my life has come back into alignment and is actually better than it ever has been this time around. Ms. Jean not only worked with me, but with many of my family members, my son in particular. This was probably the most dramatic healing that occurred, not only for my son and me, but for our whole family lineage. The many lifetimes of abuse, violence and death have been healed, finally. That karmic pattern is healed for all of us in my family due to the work we did with Ms. Jean and Great Spirit. She is my touch point. She is the reflection of myself that I love. She heals with her connection to Spirit and her ability to love. She is love manifest. I love her. I AM Grateful.” – JH
Thank you again for seeing me and helping me back to the path I know is mine…I will hopefully see you again as you have time. I thank the creator and my guides for leading me to you.” – MBA
“Jean Dominquez has walked beside me for the past three years gently developing a belief in myself, guiding me to learn the lessons that I need to become what I was created to become. Jean is a teacher; she inspires her students to give of their best so that they may discover what they already know. I am grateful and honored to be her student.” – MJW
“I just really wanted to thank you not only for everything you have taught me but also for all the ways you showed up for me when I had nowhere else to turn. The way you supported me in such a loving, understanding and non-judgmental way literally saved my life. I feel blessed to know you and hope you can feel my gratitude. I wanted to let you know that my consulting business is in full swing with doors opening every single day without the need for me to force anything. After this little nudge from the universe I feel freer and more alive than I have in a very long time. My relationship with plant medicine is also deepening and I’m seeing more and more intersections between my professional and spiritual work. I have also reached a new point in healing around abandonment and men. I’m quite sure I wouldn’t be here without your support and so I wanted to share. Deep love and respect.” – Jessica
Jean Dominguez has helped me through the most difficult times I’ve ever had. Even without being a Shaman, she is the most caring woman I’ve ever known, and her Shamanism only brings those wonderful qualities out even more. Jean is a most powerful spiritual healer and guide. Her workshops and journeys bring incredible self-healing to all those who take them. I have been blessed to have seen her grow from her very beginning, have her work on me, and later work with her. I send any one I know that is open to spiritual/ energetic healing to her, and each time feel more blessed to know that she takes care of everyone with love and devotion, and without any judgement. Jean is a blessing to anyone she knows. – MH
“I’m very grateful for all I have learned from Jean. She is a thorough teacher who covers many different techniques. The classes involve deep, soulful work that cause powerful transformation for the students. It has been a very effective method of releasing & shifting what no longer serves me. The combination of group & individual work is ideal to experience support during this process. In addition to the classes, Jean is available for private sessions which provide deeper insights & ease the process of transformation. I highly recommend this work if you’re looking to reclaim your authentic self & experience your full potential. Ultimately, the work is personal & can only be done by you. It is a blessing to have a teacher willing to travel the path with you. Jean encourages autonomy & independence so the tools you learn become part of who you are in a very personal way.” – AR